Once you have finished the install, open EndNote X9 and complete the installation by clicking EndNote X9 in the upper left hand corner and then clicking Customizer.Click twice on the gear icon on the EndNote X9 installer window and follow the instructions.dmg file double click this to start the installation process. To unzip the file, go to your downloads folder and either control+click or click with two fingers on the EndNoteX9SiteInstaller.zip file.Mac OS EndNote X9 Installation for personal or UMMS provided Mac computers: Please be sure to allow all EndNote updates as requested to avoid impacting the program's functionality. Please note: If you are running OS 10.15 Catalina or higher you MUST use EndNote X9 or the program will not be compatible all older EndNote versions are 32-bit applications and will not be supported by Mac beginning fall 2019. Create your library by clicking File>New and choosing a name and a local file location do not store EndNote libraries in remote locations such as Dropbox.ĮndNote is also available from the Software Center which may be available on your UMMS provided computer The first time you open EndNote, you will encounter a gray screen.You can pin it to your task bar by right clicking and selecting "Pin to Taskbar."

You may need to precede your username with the school or clinical domain if you are off campus. For example - umassmed\JonesJ or umassmemorial\JonesJ After you click the link below, you will be asked to log in to log in with your network username and password. Please begin by closing all Microsoft programs, including Outlook and Word. To install EndNote X9, you must be an administrator on your computer.School Provided or Personal Computer Installation Instructions for EndNote X9 on Windows: